Welcome to the general archive of theosepicwebsite! this is just an archive of general unused files or discarded pages within the domain.

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welcome.html 30/07/2024 30/07/2024

welcome to the archive/mainframe. these pages hold discarded and unused stuff that isnt on the website right now, or just general stuff that remains hidden.

also ive chosen to use green text because it looks cool and reminds me of the matrix. damn those were good films i havent watched them in a year or two. anyway i dont really have much to say right now or really ever in general so heres some text, blah blah blah, thats it for now.

P.S - never understood what P.S stood for but never bothered to look either but im sure maybe a lot of people have the same issue about it but yet its most likley universaly understood as being an extra note on a note, which is interesting.

theosepicwebsite (2021-2024)