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windows93-session1.html 30/08/2024 30/08/2024

i remember playing about with windows93 in high school and decided to boot it up again. its still all the same of course but i managed to find some players on the arena93 multiplayer game. also found some people in their chat program too which was pretty fun. for a html-based project id think what they managed to achive is outstanding, but i dont really have a frame of reference outside of 'i cant do this myself'. Might try it out again tommorow, gave me a feeling of excitement due to how bare bones it was and how it felt different from waiting for steam to load up and wasting away playing stratergy games until i fall asleep.

I also managed to setup some funky tiled backgrounds on the index page for now. might try to bit-crunch my archived icons and make it look slick with the rest of my other subpages.

theosepicwebsite (2021-2024)