Gaming Stuff > Perfect Dark |
some empty hallway in the pre-game area cold memories |
Page created on: 11/04/2024 Page last modified on: 11/04/2024 |
Christmas 2022: When i got a N64 for christmas i remember playing this game, and i remember it needing an expansion pac. im sure i played splitscreen on it, might of been with my brother or father. because it was made by rare and it was on the n64, it has a lot of similarities to goldeneye, with perfect dark being more of a smoother improvement without the restraints of licencing and stuff like that. i loved walking around the building you start in when to turn the game on, it felt pretty cool and atmospheric in the room with the laptop and the floating thingie, walking around the rest of the building was a good time if you wanted to just zone out instead of doing a mission right away. i remember there already being some stuff saved on the previous user's memory pak. although i didnt know any of the context for what the names were, it was interesting to think about who had played this before all that time ago. maybe it was some mates in a dorm room at night playing perfect dark until stupid o'clock, maybe it was some highschool mates who came back from school or came back from pissing about at a park or something. im sure they dont even think about this game much anymore, they all probably have kids or the places they used to hang out are long gone. | | 2021 - 2022 | hosted by