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Miscellaneous > sm64screenshots

Happy 2022!
Page created on: 23/12/2021.  |   Page modified on: 16/12/2022.
This page holds 2 unknown super mario 64 screenshots. I don't know where they came from, but when your rooting for cheap read and write CDs, you find some odd stuff.

Image created on: January 24th, 2004.Image created on January 24th, 2004.

Both images originate from January 24th, 2004. I put these screenshots here because I found them of a random cheap cd collection. also, I don't recognize this place in the game. According to the metadata, the screenshots originate from January 24th, 2004. That's about all I can get from this. Maybe somebody out there knows, but I don't.

Update 16/12/2022:

I did some digging a long while ago and forgot to upload more of my findings. I didn't realize the cd had a saved picture of the site, so I managed to root up the forum these screenshots came from. I've since lost the site address, but I conveniently had the gifs archived, and they are displayed on the left.

This one interested me the most, It appears to be the usual castle grounds from a glance, but there are a lot of oddities that aren't in the retail release we all played. There is a door to the left, and a second entrance around the back. 

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