Nashville? We're heading for Memphis! |
Uploaded: August 17th, 2024. Updated: September 1st, 2024. |
Windows 98... What a system and everyone thought Microsoft couldn't keep winning. First fusing a copy of Windows with every Intel PC in 1993, then in 1995 when they meshed their own cheap alternative of a Frankenstein together revolving around a start button, and then once more in 1998 when they progressively fused their pack-in web browser with the workstations of all around the world so they couldn't be divorced from their monopoly in court. We can shoot as many cheap shots as we want but we know nothing is even scratching Bill's pearly white smile when he bankrolled Steve Jobs for shits and giggles a year prior. Despite all the shady practices and agendas, they were seeping into with OEMS and other things, many look back on Windows 98 with fondness, and I'd imagine for good reason. It was a system that was built on Windows 95, and apparently one of the main reasons it even got such a sovereign addition from the break-out operating system was because Microsoft had to find excuses amongst many previously mentioned to make their wall of products inseparable. Even in doing so they kept the direction of friendly personal computing and long-jumped into the unforgiving pit of 'Plug and Pray' detection. They were cementing their initiatives to make systems easier to use, and this automation praticaly gave the machine common sense, common sense that was coming out of a drooling knuckledragger for lack of a better word. Enough incoherent rambling, below are some detailed ramblings instead! |
^ The Desktop of Windows 98, accessable here
Windows 98 and 'Backdrop Improvements' The only visual improvements of Windows 98 were the previously and thoroughly mentioned web intergrations. aside from that this update was one of background fixes, making the system more 'compatible' even introducing multiple monitor support, meaning you can drag your 4MB 16-color blurry-ass internet jpegs from your greasy and dirty screen to your other more dirty and greasy screen. That's granted that you already brushed off your sea of scattered floppy disks, scratched CDs and whatever god-awful junk food you shove down your gullet on your miserable daily basis because of your mute acceptance of your content ways of wasting away so you can regret all the time you should have spent doing anything else life has to offer you. |
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